Our Evidence Based Parenting Programs

The Society is recognised as a specialist family services in the First 1000 Days and early years. Offering a range of evidence based parenting programs and developing evidence informed practices within the specialisation, our approach aims to build adult capabilities in meeting the social and emotional needs of babies, infants and young children.

Our approach draws on evidence based programs as well as drawing on and developing evidence informed practices upholding the Society’s values underpinned by the belief of Every Person has Infinite Worth.

Evidence based programs are drawn from research that is tested, proves to be effective in the design for purpose and can then be translated into practice delivered through community based settings.

Evidence informed practice means using evidence from practice to design, implement and improve program interventions and how they can be delivered. In the work of the Society’s specialisation in wrap around, this draws on the evidence of 10 principles of wrap around to then better understand what emerges from practices, including reviewing, reflection, testing, analysing and translating the most current research and practice into evidence that has application to our purpose.

The evidence based programs are currently offered to those engaged in our integrated family services only:

For further information regarding our programs, info@caroline.org.au