
Caroline Chisholm Society welcomes all feedback including complaints, compliments and suggestions. Your feedback assists us to monitor and improve our service to you.

If you have a complaint or comment about our service, you should:

Step 1: Raise it with the worker assigned to you, who will escalate to a Program Co-Ordinator. If you have made an informal complaint, the Program Co-Ordinator handling your complaint will respond within five (5) working days. If you have made a written complaint, they will respond in writing and aim to resolve the issue within fifteen (15) working days of receiving your complaint.  The CEO will be notified of all complaints at the time of receiving.

Step 2: If you are not satisfied with the response, you may contact the Chief Executive Officer at

Caroline Chisholm Society
977 Mt Alexander Road

or by email to

If you have concerns about the way your complaint was handled, you can call 03 9361 7000 and ask for the Chief Executive Officer.


If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your compliant you can appeal or make a complaint to an external agency, such as:

The Victoria Ombudsman                                                                            (03) 9613 6222

Department of Health & Human Services                                             1300 884 706

Commission for Children & Young People                                             1300 782 978

Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission           1300 891 484